What are the three main goals of influencer marketing?

As a company, developing a marketing plan dedicated to influencers is a great way to reach your target audience to build brand awareness, increase purchase consideration and attract new customers. Why should you care about the objectives of influencer marketing? In fact, why should you use influencer marketing in the first place? Consumers have always turned to experts, colleagues or friends for guidance and recommendations on their purchases. Clearly, influence is something that has always been an integral part of consumers' buying decisions. So, it's not wrong to say that influencer marketing has been around for years.

Only platforms or media have changed. People trust social media influencers much more than they trust sophisticated celebrity advertising campaigns. It's no wonder why brands prefer to use influencer marketing to increase their brand awareness and connect with a wider audience. In a study conducted by Linqia, 92% of marketers said that they found that influencer marketing was truly effective.

However, one area where I've seen a lot of young brands fail is setting goals. If you ask me, goal setting is the most important part of planning an influencer campaign. To ensure that your campaigns deliver the best results, it's essential to clearly define your influencer marketing objectives. If you focus on too many goals at once, that won't help either.

Therefore, every influencer campaign should target a key business objective (or perhaps a couple at most). Only a goal-oriented influencer marketing strategy can bring success. Let's take a look at 5 of the most important influencer marketing objectives your brand should focus on. We'll also look at some strategies that might work best for each of them.

One of the most important influencer marketing objectives that a brand should focus on is to increase its brand awareness. People will only become your customers when they start to recognize and see your brand. To find an influencer's reach and audience, you can take advantage of influencer marketing platforms such as Fourstarzz Media. The tool provides a comprehensive influencer report that can help brands determine if a particular influencer is right for them or not.

Once you find the right influencer, what's the next step? You should focus on influencer marketing strategies that will allow you to get mentions, followers and brand actions. Influencers can encourage followers to share your brand's content using relevant and effective hashtags. You can ask influencers to introduce your brand to their audiences. Most influencers talk about brands they really love.

So make sure you connect with the right influencers to meet your influencer marketing goal. The influencer you're collaborating with must have an audience you want to target and a personality that fits your brand. Influencers can include your brand's products or services in their posts. However, it should be more of a review in which the influencer shares their experience with your products.

It shouldn't sound exaggerated or aggressive. This post in which Faith Marie, a beauty addict, shares her love for the skincare brand Caudalie, is a great example. Collaborating with influencers to organize sweepstakes and contests is a great way to gain more brand exposure. This exposes your brand to a new audience that may be your potential customers.

Contests and giveaways can help attract a large audience. If your influencer marketing goal is to increase brand awareness, you should encourage the sharing of your content through contests. Use branded hashtags to increase your brand exposure. Increasing traffic to your website is an important influencer marketing objective that you shouldn't overlook.

But not all traffic is created equal. You should focus on getting traffic that is relevant and that can lead to conversions. Take advantage of every opportunity that allows you to attract a crowd. You can connect with bloggers and ask them to write blog posts with your brand, Image via Value Minded Mama.

Not only can this be great for increasing your visibility among your audience, but also a way to drive traffic to your website. So make sure that your influencers include links to your products or website in their posts. This will help you generate traffic, which is one of the most important marketing objectives for a brand. You can also write guest posts for high-authority sites with a link to your website.

Answer all queries in the published publication to attract readers and bring them to your website. Leo Widrich, Co-Founder of Buffer. He wrote about 150 guest posts in the first nine months of its release. This generated an enormous amount of traffic to the app and helped it achieve its influencer marketing goal.

It grew its customer base from zero to 100,000 customers in just nine months. It's the era of social media. In fact, 77% of the United States population uses it today. Collaborating with social media influencers to create engaging, high-quality content can increase traffic to your website in many ways.

Klean Plate, a food company, managed to increase its traffic by 204% in four months, mainly through influencer marketing. The primary goal of all marketing efforts is to generate leads and drive sales and profits. Affiliate marketing and discount codes You should create campaigns that benefit both the influencer and their followers (potential customers). The best idea to meet this influencer marketing objective is to make use of affiliate marketing and discount codes.

This campaign would include a personalized discount code that can encourage consumers to make a purchase. You can also provide your influencers with affiliate links that will help you track the sales driven by them. Then, you can offer commissions to influencers for every sale they get. This is an example of such collaboration between Effin Shop and Jessica Lo.

Image via Instagram Collective Shououts on Instagram Collaborating with several Instagram users to promote your products can generate more leads and drive big sales in a short time. So, partner with influencers whose audience fits your brand and who can buy your products. These are some of those posts in which influencers promoted Lord & Taylor's dress, image via Instagram. When you focus on increasing brand awareness, you may also see an increase in your social media followers and engagement.

It's easy to combine these two influencer marketing objectives, since they complement each other. No matter what number of followers you have, I'm sure you'll always be looking to increase them. To get more followers, you should focus on building a strong bond with influencers. Establishing strong links with your influencers can help increase brand awareness and the number of followers.

However, having a large number of followers isn't enough. It's important that they interact with your content. This can only be possible through interesting and engaging content that helps you connect with your audience. In fact, 90% of marketers consider engagement to be the most important performance indicator of an influencer campaign.

A perfect strategy to increase your fan base to a large extent is to take your collaborations with influencers to the next level. An acquisition is an effective influencer campaign in which you allow an influencer to take over your social media profile for a short period of time. It could be for a This is a great way to strengthen your relationship with your influencers and get their audience to interact with your brand. A successful acquisition will help you meet multiple influencer marketing objectives.

However, before attempting an acquisition, make sure that you have worked with the influencer on some campaigns and that you can trust them. The more trust you build with your influencers, the better results you can expect. Absorptions can be of two types. You can allow an influencer to fully access one or more of your social media profiles.

Or you can ask the influencer to send you the content and you can post it on their behalf. Take a look at your current collaborations with influencers to spot people who share the same beliefs as you. If you've worked with them on several good campaigns, you should think about establishing a meaningful, long-term partnership. Make them your brand ambassadors: the faces of your brand.

This will help them feel more valued. And this will also be directly reflected in your work. Brand ambassador programs can generate more followers and increase engagement. They will provide you with great support to help you achieve your influencer marketing goals.

All brands want to strengthen their brand image and gain a good reputation among their potential customers. The best way to do that is to create meaningful partnerships with relevant influencers. Consumers trust their peers, friends and favorite influencers. It's important for brands to get their influencers to trust them.

These influencers will help you turn people into loyal customers for your brand. If your influencer marketing goal is to build reputation, you should think of ways to make your influencers and their audience feel valued. This will help you strengthen your bond and, therefore, build a good reputation. However, you should thoroughly evaluate an influencer's profile before collaborating with them.

After all, your brand's reputation is linked to theirs when you work together. As mentioned above, you can find details about several influencers on the Fourstarzz Media influencer marketing platform. An effective way to make your influencers feel valued is to organize an event for them. You can send invitations to influencers who have done a good job with the campaigns.

It will make them feel appreciated and will help you establish a stronger connection with them. Organizing an event can be an opportunity to create more attractive content for your brand. With influencers talking about being part of the event, your brand will get more exposure. For their launch event in Australia, Marks and Spencer invited lifestyle and fashion bloggers like Rebecca Judd.

They then promoted the event on social media. You can also share exclusive invitations to the events in which you participate. For example, many brands take advantage of the popular Coachella music festival to meet their influencer marketing goals. Sending gifts to your favorite influencers can be another way to make them feel valued.

Influencers, like regular people, love gifts and often take the time to share a genuine post about what they think of the gift. These small efforts can take your collaborations with influential people a long way. These posts from influencers increase the credibility of your brand, Image via Instagram A. The purpose of influencer marketing is to harness the influence and power of a person to promote a brand.

When an influencer endorses a brand, their followers are likely to take note and trust it. In fact, 92% of marketers backed its effectiveness in a study conducted by Linqia. Influence marketing is important because it can help you get more followers, increase your reach, sales, and engagement rate. Along with this, it can help you gain the trust of the audience and increase your reputation.

In general, influencer marketing has a lot of benefits. A plan that you create to reach influencers and carry out promotional campaigns is called an influencer marketing strategy. From identifying relevant influencers to planning campaigns and analyzing them, influencer marketing strategies describe everything. Each influencer marketing campaign can have different objectives.

These can include increasing brand awareness, increasing engagement, and getting more traffic and sales. Clear and concise influencer marketing objectives are the key to a successful influencer campaign. Never underestimate the importance of setting objectives for any campaign you undertake. In fact, it's the first thing you should do.

Then, look for strategies to launch a full influence campaign focused on meeting the defined KPIs. Shane Barker is a digital marketing consultant who specializes in influencer marketing, product launches, sales funnels, targeted traffic, and website conversions. He has advised Fortune 500 companies, influencers with digital products and several top-notch celebrities. Thank you for sharing this useful and informative article.

Complete the form below to get instant access to this amazing course. If your main objective is the knowledge and exposure of your brand, your influencer marketing campaign should drive market saturation, and you should be prepared to give away a large part of your product for free or provide a free service to influencers who can promote your business. To achieve brand recognition, go big and create a network of influencers who align with your target market and who are expert content creators. Your target market will see your brand through content from influencers, so make sure you're putting your brand in the right hands.

Brand awareness is important and, since it doesn't always generate sales and ROI, it's important for the long-term stability of the business, and the results will show over time. As with anything, the more effort you put in, the more you'll get out of the long-term experience. When your goal is to generate sales, it's important to choose the right platform for your strategy and ensure that it's a platform that converts impressions into sales instantly. When you start strategizing for your next big influencer marketing campaign, make sure that you've clearly defined your objectives and how you'll measure the KPIs.

It doesn't make sense to launch a campaign, create brand awareness if you want to see a dramatic increase in sales, nor is it worth implementing a social media campaign if you don't want to see growth in social networks. If you first understand the objectives and expected results, you can create a campaign that works hard to achieve them. You want as many people as possible to know that your brand exists, improving the reach of the brand. Influence marketing helps do this by placing the responsibility for increasing brand awareness in the hands of content creators who already have a loyal fan base.

Once you partner with influencers, their audiences become your audience, so you should look for content creators that attract large crowds. It's still a good idea to target demographic groups that are likely to be interested in your brand, but the main goal is to generate buzz and show your product to as many people as possible. Ultimately, the goal of any marketing campaign is to generate revenue through the sale of products and services. However, that goal is often achieved through tortuous routes, such as improving brand reach or customer engagement.

If your main driver is sales, influencer marketing offers several benefits, such as building trust and educating consumers. Consider providing influencers with affiliate links that encourage them to promote your brand. Or, get a well-known content creator to organize a sale or promotion. Make sure that it's possible to track the sales of influencers' posts in order to measure ROI.

The number one goal of brands that use influencer marketing is to reach new target customers. This makes sense, since an influence campaign extends your reach to that person's followers. Then, take a campaign approach to your social media strategy and take advantage of it with a free influencer marketing campaign to back it up. If you only have a limited budget, you should look for smaller influencers who produce good content at a lower price.

Not all influencers are the same, and partnering with the right people is an essential component of any influencer marketing campaign. However, influencer marketing is potentially expensive and you shouldn't rush without having a firm plan of action. To achieve your goal, you want people in your new market to test your product and become paying customers, so you need expectation creators who can generate qualified and specific web traffic and make noise about your brand in the space you want to be in. While there are many ways you can work with influential people (you can read some of them here), not all of them will achieve the same results.

You should focus on influencer marketing strategies that will allow you to get mentions, followers and brand actions. If your influencer has a lot more followers than you, you might be a little dazzled by the large number of “likes” they can accumulate. Obviously, you want to work with people who are relevant in the industry so that they are able to speak confidently about your brand; but you also need influencers who have the right audience size and demographics, a regular and consistent publishing schedule, and the right voice to talk to your core market. .