Why is marketing automation important?

Automating the many steps between marketing and sales gives your team more time to focus on the overall strategy and nurturing leads that really promise. That translates to more prospects and more customers. Marketing automation can also give you a more complete and detailed picture of potential customers' behavior. First, marketing automation makes your entire department more efficient.

You can reduce staff costs and, at the same time, free up time for your team to dedicate to more important strategic projects. In addition to affecting your relationships with prospects and customers, marketing automation has a significant impact on the way your employees work. Aventaggiato said that sending the right messages to the right leads at the right time is the key to generating leads. And marketing automation helps companies send relevant messages to customers at the right time.

Using social media marketing tools within automated marketing software also allows brands to maintain a consistent image across platforms. As your team spends more time creating rather than manually entering data, marketing automation software will allow them to create more personalized content through its segmentation and reporting capabilities. Second, by making it easier to qualify and develop leads, automation allows marketing teams to offer more quality leads to sales departments. Without automation, you'd have to follow every step of every marketing prospect just to respond with specific content.

Marketing automation software is the place where you'll create instant email campaigns and track their success. Jessica Greene, from Databox, recommended that marketers track the performance of their campaigns using visualization tools. While automation software manages routine workflows, your marketing team can focus on designing more engaging content and creating new marketing experiments. So, if marketers don't follow the best data practices, they'll end up ruining the whole process and doing the opposite of what marketing automation is supposed to achieve.

In multichannel marketing, it's the only way to evaluate the performance of individual marketing channels and set priorities. The information provided can help segment the email, select more relevant content and plan longer automated email sequences. Some marketers and analysts believe that the next step in streamlining marketing initiatives is to combine account-based marketing (ABM) and marketing automation. You might even find that, with full marketing automation software, you can remove some other platforms from your monthly subscriptions.

However, marketing automation doesn't “automatically” give you the best results if you don't establish a strategy that works. Larger organizations, or those with very large marketing databases, are more likely to benefit from paying a fixed monthly fee, with the predictability of these prices an added advantage. More than 10,000 marketers use Maropost to engage with their potential and potential customers through emails, SMS, social media and more. An automated marketing system allows the distribution of content on most major social media platforms from a single interface.