Who are the end users of business intelligence?

The end user of business intelligence can be defined as a decision maker (at any level within the company), who does not necessarily have IT skills and who uses business data and information from the BI solution to guide their actions. The real test of the usability of a BI solution is with the end user without technical knowledge. This type of user collects, organizes, analyzes and presents data on a continuous basis. Making decisions based on instinct is out of the question.

The data analyst analyzes statistics and demands arguments for every decision, small or large. Discovering new data patterns, obtaining new knowledge, and thinking about new ways to present data in the best possible way in reports and dashboards are daily activities of the data analyst. For business users of BI solutions, we can distinguish between advanced and regular users. The business user is usually an administrator.

For example, the sales manager, rental manager, service manager, or parts manager. The advanced business user can organize, analyze and present the data on their own. This user knows their information needs and can meet them using the BI tool and applying their own knowledge and skills in the field of data analysis. Executives are the decision makers in any company.

They make critical decisions, from what products to launch to how best to market them. They need to be able to make quick decisions about things that may affect their business. This is where BI can help them by providing them with valuable information about their business and market trends. Executives can use this information to better plan, prioritize, and execute their strategies.

Analysts are the people who create and use BI reports. They usually need to understand the data, so they tend to be more involved than other users. Analysts can also be involved in creating their own analysis tools or creating new dashboards. Business intelligence users are people who use BI tools in their daily work.

In many cases, they have a formal role as business users or analysts. This means that they will have access to very powerful tools and analytical capabilities that can help them make better decisions about their business. When choosing BI software for your company, opt for one with tools that meet your needs. It's important to consider this very recent explanation of BI, since it has had a strangled narrative as a buzzword.

Conventional business intelligence first appeared in the 1960s as a network for sharing knowledge between institutions. It was formulated in the 1980s, together with computer models, for decision-making and the conversion of data into knowledge. This happened long before BI divisions supported service solutions that depended on IT. New BI findings prioritize adaptive self-service estimation, data organized in trusted environments, authorized business users, and the drive to obtain information.

The data analyst always wants to go deeper into the data. The BI system helps them gain new knowledge to expand different business techniques. Business intelligence users can be organized throughout the association. Generally, there are two categories of business users.

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Self-service business intelligence environments allow business users to query BI data, create data visualizations, and design control panels on their own. Business intelligence has a direct consequence on the company's strategy, tactical and functional conclusions. But they will also try to bridge the gap between IT and business operations to accelerate the adoption of BI. What came to be known as BI tools evolved from earlier analytical technologies, often mainframe-based, such as decision support systems and executive information systems used primarily by business executives.

BI tools perform data analysis by creating reports, overviews, panels, tables, and graphs to provide users with comprehensive information about the essence of the industry. Business intelligence can also improve the perception of these procedures and can even specify any area that needs to be examined. Next, three types of users from different departments who could use business intelligence software are discussed. Business intelligence benefits from fact-based conclusions that use chronological data rather than guesses and gut impressions.

The IT user also plays a leading role in strengthening the business intelligence infrastructure. Also known as cloud BI, the SaaS option increasingly offers multi-cloud support, allowing organizations to deploy BI applications on different cloud platforms to meet user needs and avoid dependency on a vendor. It involves combining BI applications and collaboration tools to allow different users to work together in analyzing data and sharing information with each other. For example, BI allows high-level executives and department managers to monitor business performance on an ongoing basis so that they can act quickly when problems or opportunities arise.

In addition, some providers of proprietary BI tools offer free editions, mainly for individual users. However, unlike the advanced BI user, this administrator needs predefined dashboards and standard management reports. Users of BI tools can access Hadoop and Spark systems, NoSQL databases, and other big data platforms, in addition to conventional data warehouses, and get a unified view of the various data stored in them. .